” Making Regional Integration work company perspectives on non-tariff measures in asia-pacific in partnership” is a document produced jointly by the International Trade Center (ITC) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), which examines the issue of non-tariff measures (NTMs) in the Asia-Pacific region. The report explores the effects of NTMs on regional trade and provides recommendations for mitigating their negative impact.
The report stresses the importance of regional integration in promoting economic growth and development, but highlights how NTMs can create barriers to trade, thus limiting the potential benefits of regional integration. The report identifies four main categories of NTMs, namely technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment procedures, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
To manage NTMs effectively, the report recommends collaboration between governments, private sector stakeholders, and international organizations. It proposes the development of a regional monitoring and reporting system to increase transparency and information sharing. Additionally, it advocates for the creation of regional standards and conformity assessment mechanisms to facilitate harmonization and reduce trade costs.
Moreover, the report emphasizes the significance of capacity building and technical assistance in enabling businesses to comply with NTMs, and to promote greater awareness and understanding of their impact on trade. It also highlights the importance of greater cooperation and coordination among regional institutions to foster a more integrated and seamless trade environment.
Overall, the report emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to managing NTMs in the Asia-Pacific region. This should involve the development of effective policies, institutional frameworks, and capacity-building measures to reduce the negative impact of NTMs, and to ensure that regional integration can deliver benefits to all stakeholders. To download the report click here